• A Vote of No Confidence
    • Defeat Ed Martinez (Drawde)
      • 500 Credits
  • Ambition Thwarted
    • Defeat Director Krennic and all accompanying Death Troopers in a single game
      • 1000 Credits
  • Arachnaphobia
    • Defeat 3 DSD Spider Droids without any Self-Destructing
      • 1000 Credits
  • Doused
    • Defeat Iden Versio and Inferno Squad Turn 1
      • 1000 Credits
  • End of the Secession
    • Defeat Dooku and Grevious in a single game
      • 1000 Credits
  • Forgot Their Programming
    • Defeat a Commander unit while it is in range of at least 2 MagnaGuards’ Guardian effect
      • 1000 Credits
  • Hero of a Thousand Demises
    • Defeat R2-D2 (either faction) after he has completed Secret Mission
      • 1000 Credits
  • Herohammer
    • Defeat 3 Heroes of the Rebellion in a single game
      • 1000 Credits
  • Limited Power
    • Defeat Darth Vader or Emperor Palpatine without them self-wounding
      • 1000 Credits
  • Look Out, Sir
    • Defeat General Kenobi with a ranged attack
      • 1000 Credits
  • Monster Hunter
    • Defeat John Griffin
      • 500 Credits
  • Not So Grandmaster
    • Defeat Yoda with a ranged attack from a Force User
      • 1000 Credits
  • Scrap Pile
    • Defeat All Droid Trooper Units in a CIS army in a single game
      • 1000 Credits
  • Shields?
    • Defeat 3 units of Droidekas in a single game using only ranged attacks
      • 1000 Credits
  • So That’s How He Got It
    • Defeat a Darksaber Sabine in melee
      • 1000 Credits
  • True Saber
    • Defeat a Saber Tank with a Lightsaber attack
      • 1000 Credits
  • Turned Off
    • Defeat Darth Maul without him self-wounding or making any attacks
      • 1000 Credits
  • Ultra Tactical Droid
    • Defeat a Super Tactical Droid with a T-Series Tactical Droid
      • 1000 Credits
  • Wampa
    • Defeat Three units of Tauntauns in a single game
      • 1000 Credits

Special Thanks to Sywern, Hob Brambyurky, Choohc, DekoPuma for their generous donations!!!


  • Climb the Ladder
    • Win a game on day 3, and record it on the Legion Ladder League Season 7
      • 1 Drink of the Hunter’s Choice
        • Zodiack
  • Eggs Over Easy
    • Defeat Padme Amidala with Luke Skywalker on Turn 1 or 2
      • Limited Edition Luke Skywalker
        • HustlenFett
  • Gamemasters Favor
    • Defeat 13 wookie models in one game
      • 1 Wookie Warrior expansion
        • Zodiack
  • Sith Mastery
    • Defeat a Sith with another Sith
      • First Score: Path of Destruction Star Wars Legends (Darth Bane) Book 1
      • Extra: 1 Drink of the Hunter’s Choice
        • hotNFrosty
  • Sorry About the Mess
    • Table Chris Hodges or Chris Hodges tables you.
      • Chris Hodges buys you a beer (root beer for floorf)
        • choohc
  • STAB the Cast
    • Be paired against STABcast Ryan Round One of LVO
      • A 6up Supply Fanny pack for you to wear during the game and keep forever!
        • Mitrokhin
  • Let It Burn
    • Watch a video with High Marshal Franz.
      • Sabine (Promo)
        • Franz
  • King of the Mountains
    • Collect the most 5280 badges during the event (gained by defeating team members)
      • 5280 Shirt and a Discord title on their server
        • ASpaceViking
  • Koordinietter Beschuss
    • Defeat 3 units with a single Coordinated Bombardment attack
      • German Leia Command Promos
        • Octobaer
  • Furcht, Überrashung, Einchüchterung
    • Defeat 2 units in a single activation with Count Dooku
      • German Dooku Command Promos
        • Octobaer
  • Maximale Feuerkraft
    • Defeat a Heavy vehicle with a Maximum Firepower attack
      • German Veers Promos
        • Octobaer
  • BxDead
    • Defeat 3 BX units in a single game
      • German BX Promos
        • Octobaer
  • Beskar Spear
    • Defeat 3 Units of Mandalorian Resistance in a single game
      • German Mandalorian Resistance Promos
        • Octobaer

Prize Pool

Limited Edition Luke Skywalker5000 Credits
OpLuke + Commands (Promos)5000 Credits
Operative Luke/Vader Acrylic (Promo)4000 Credits
Imperial Royal Guard (Box)3000 Credits
Imperial Special Forces (Box)3000 Credits
Bossk (Promo)2500 Credits
Sabine (Promo)2500 Credits
TX-225 GAVw Occupier Combat Assault Tank (Promo)2500 Credits
TX-130 Saber-class Fighter Tank (Promo)2500 Credits
AAT Trade Federation Tank (Promo)2500 Credits
Yoda (Box)2000 Credits
Rebel Officer (Promo)1000 Credits
E-web Heavy Blaster Team (Promo)500 Credits
Fleet Troopers (Promo)500 Credits
Tauntaun Riders (Promo)500 Credits
Rebel Pathfinders (Promo)500 Credits
Rebel Commandos (Promo)500 Credits
Standing Orders (Promo)500 Credits
Aurebesh Ambush (Promo)500 Credits
Aurebesh Assault (Promo)500 Credits